Saturday, August 7, 2010

Happy National Day!

Did you boys enjoy yourselves during the mass walk? I sure did, despite the hot weather! Thank you to all the parents who showed up - I hope you enjoyed a great bonding session with your boys as well! Winning the best level class torch was further icing to the cake, and what made it sweeter was the fact that it was truly a class effort! From Justine's idea to stuff the cone with newspaper, to Whale's idea to use construction paper of three different colours to form the flame, to the class's brainstorming session on the class slogan, and also Raphael's strips of coloured paper to further decorate the flame...everyone really played their part!I am really proud of all of you! =) Here are some photographs taken to capture the memorable day:

Boys assembled in the hall, waiting for the school bus:

Some happy faces, some sleepy and grouchy faces......

Davon and his very own YOG torch!

My PE monitors, their proud parents and our class torch:

More shots of you and your parents!

Gabriel's grandmother came to show her support as well! Yay!
Thank you to Gabriel's mummy for helping out for the day!

Shakeel's younger brother has grown so much! =)

Muhd's very own YOG torch had an in-built fan! How cool!

Siwakon's whole family turned up in full force!

Everyone is eager to start on the walk!

We won the most creative class torch of the level! Hip hip hooray!

A very proud and happy Miss Choo with her darling form class ;)

Let's keep the 3P class spirit burning!

Lovingly laminated certificate, ready for display outside our classroom!

Have a great National Day Holiday! (Do remember to complete your English and Science practice papers though!) ;)

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