Thursday, July 1, 2010

Who are the top scorers for EL SA1 Exam?

First in class: Changjun!

Second in class: Mark!

Third in class: Ben!
Ben also came in third in terms of improvement from his CA1 score - he improved by 17 marks! Wow!

Guan Sheng improved the most from CA1, with a jump of 19 marks! Excellent! Keep up the good attitude and continue putting in more effort in your daily work, and I guarantee that you will improve even more during the second half of the year. =)

Alistar is the second most improved in class, with a jump of 18 marks! Great job! Now to work on your handwriting! =)

I hope these five boys liked their well deserved and hard-earned certificates and presents!

Out of a total of 34 boys, 23 of you managed to reach the targets set - you improved by at least 5 marks from CA1, and I am extremely proud of you. I sure hope you liked your little rewards as well! For the rest of the class who did not quite reach your goals, fret not! This is the start of a brand new term, and there is still time for you to pull up your socks and try to improve your score by another 7 marks for the upcoming CA2!

I am looking forward to see who I can reward after CA2! Do you feel the same way as well? ;)

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