Monday, April 19, 2010

Kids say the funniest things: Part 1

During Health Education lesson one day...

Miss Choo: Today we are going to learn more about healthy diets. There is this mineral that our bodies need in order to build strong bones. I will give you a clue - it starts with the letter 'c'. What is it?

Boy A: Calcium!

Miss Choo: That is correct! We need calcium for strong bones and...something else! Who knows the answer?

Boy B (enthusiastically): I know! We need it for our private part!

Miss Choo: *stares at Boy B in bewilderment* Huh?

Boy B (indignantly): You said it starts with the letter 'c' right?

Miss Choo: ?!?!?! You were obviously not paying attention again!

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