Monday, April 19, 2010

Kids say the funniest things: Part 2

One day after school when 3P was queuing up to go home...

Justine: Miss Choo, is your boyfriend's name 'Seriously'?

Miss Choo: Excuse me?!

Justine: You like to say 'Seriously' all the time!

Miss Choo: *stares at Justine and thinks back to how she is always saying things like: "Seriously, can you boys keep quiet?........ Is it very difficult to keep your mouths closed, seriously?........Seriously, I am just asking you to be quiet for a few minutes!...... I am seriously going deaf! I seriously cannot tolerate your untidy handwriting!......*

And Miss Choo could not help but burst into laughter.

Wait a minute. Justine, were you mocking me? ;I

1 comment:

  1. Hello Miss Choo
    I have found another one of yre boyfriends name
    its STOP TALKING!!!!!!!!
