Monday, April 19, 2010

Closing of our Sports and Health themed Library Week!

It was really great to see you boys come in your favourite sports attire! Hereby presenting 3P's aspiring sportsmen:

Our very own Lewis Hamilton:
(who got selected to present about his favourite sport on stage as well! *claps*)

Here is our Lewis Hamilton's ardent supporter!

Not forgetting our Pete Sampras and Rafael Nadal:

Our very own menacing taekwondo expert!

Not forgetting our little Lampards and Gerrards!

Ending this post with a shot of our cool new class flag! ;D

*Please left-click on pictures to enlarge them!*

Kids say the funniest things: Part 2

One day after school when 3P was queuing up to go home...

Justine: Miss Choo, is your boyfriend's name 'Seriously'?

Miss Choo: Excuse me?!

Justine: You like to say 'Seriously' all the time!

Miss Choo: *stares at Justine and thinks back to how she is always saying things like: "Seriously, can you boys keep quiet?........ Is it very difficult to keep your mouths closed, seriously?........Seriously, I am just asking you to be quiet for a few minutes!...... I am seriously going deaf! I seriously cannot tolerate your untidy handwriting!......*

And Miss Choo could not help but burst into laughter.

Wait a minute. Justine, were you mocking me? ;I

Kids say the funniest things: Part 1

During Health Education lesson one day...

Miss Choo: Today we are going to learn more about healthy diets. There is this mineral that our bodies need in order to build strong bones. I will give you a clue - it starts with the letter 'c'. What is it?

Boy A: Calcium!

Miss Choo: That is correct! We need calcium for strong bones and...something else! Who knows the answer?

Boy B (enthusiastically): I know! We need it for our private part!

Miss Choo: *stares at Boy B in bewilderment* Huh?

Boy B (indignantly): You said it starts with the letter 'c' right?

Miss Choo: ?!?!?! You were obviously not paying attention again!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Well done, Changjun! =)

I will like to commend Changjun for being the first boy in class to achieve 25 smiley faces! Wow! Keep up the good work! You are a great role model for the rest of the class!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sports Day!

I sure hope all of you enjoyed yourselves despite the sweltering hot weather! Thanks to all the supportive parents who turned up too! Congratulations to all the winners as well! Here are the pictures I took of Alastair, Gerald, Amos, Anthony and Jami when they were waiting to receive their medals and trophies:

I almost forgot about the trophy which Jami received back in school! Wow, he seems to be our class's most outstanding sportsman! =)

Last but not least, congratulations to those in Sebastian house [myself included! =D ] for being this year's champions! Hurray! Hereby ending this post with a picture of our favourite twins! =)

March's Star Pupils!

Well done, Aaron, Gabriel and Rinaldi! =)

Who will be my next Star Pupils? Will it be YOU? =)