Saturday, January 8, 2011

All the best for 2011, 4P!

Hi boys!

I hope all of you had a great first week of school after a good December break! All of you are extremely lucky to have Ms Hafiza as your form teacher this year as she is an excellent teacher - one who is dedicated, firm yet caring. I will still be checking with her every now and then with regards to both your academic performance and non-academic behaviour in class, so do me proud! ;)

Here are some overdue photographs of you and your various rewards and awards taken last year:

Alastair and his trophy for Chinese Story-telling. Well done! =)

Congratulations to my top three boys: Changjun, Muhd and Wafiq!
(Sorry Wafiq, did not manage to take a photograph of you as you were not around in class then.)

A proud Jov and his award for improving the most in English across the whole P3 level! Good job, Jov!

3P's last day at school......

Aaron, what in the world were you doing? Massaging your head? =D
Also, check out Changjun checking out our cake...=D

A very greedy Alastair craving for the extremely sweet piece of candy that I refused to let him have... (especially since I have already dropped it on the floor!)

See all of you around in school, ok? Be good!!!! =)