Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Chinese New Year to everyone!

All of you deserve a pat on your back for helping to decorate our class for Chinese New Year! Although we did not win the "Best Decorated Class" competition, I am very proud of all your effort in making handicrafts and contributing to the class decoration. Spot your handicrafts and Hong Bao Fishes in the photographs below!

For our non Chinese classmates, the four chinese characters on the top row of window panes represent "Good Health".

The next four chinese characters on the bottom row of window panes represent "Improvement in Studies". These are my wishes for all of you in this new year! =)

Alastair made these beautiful Hong Bao Fishes together with his grandmother!

Check out these boys who were so engrossed in singing the Chinese New Year songs during the concert!

Enjoy your New Year, boys! =D

Top three mind maps on Leaders!

Here are the mind maps done by Changjun, Aaron and Aniq respectively:

Although Aniq's work was not done in the form of a mind map, I am including it here because he brought up several good points about characteristics of a leader:

Here is a close-up of his points:

I am hoping to see more well-organized mind maps for our next unit on Our Country, Singapore!

Presenting my three Star Pupils for the month of January!

Congratulations and keep up the good work! Let's see who will be my next three Star Pupils for the month of February!

This brought a smile to my face...

When explaining how prefects act as a link between students and teachers, I got you boys to draw stick figures to represent the concept. Two of you added names to the stick figures, and from them, I can tell that....

Mark really wants to be a prefect...and....

Shazrin approves of Gabriel becoming a prefect. =)